Mid-term Business Plan

Hibino Group Mid-term Business Plan
"Vision 2025"(Fiscal year ending March 2023 - Fiscal Year ending March 2026)

The Hibino Group is addressing its mid-term business plan, "Vision 2025," which covers the four-year period from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026, as a milestone in realizing the Group vision, "For a Global Hibino."
For details, please refer to the following documents.

Vision 2025

Mid-term management policy

Establish a management structure enabling sustainable growth

We will establish a management structure enabling sustainable growth through the implementation of two growth strategies, "honeycomb-type management" and "innovation".

Establish sound management

We will establish sound management through a virtuous cycle of reason profit, financial stability, and improvement of human capital.

Two Growth Strategies

Take on challenges in new areas aiming for advancement of honeycomb-type management

By having numerous revenue-generating businesses within the Group, we will build a business structure that is resilient to changes in the external environment. We will also use M&A in our efforts to take on challenges in new areas, expand our business domain, and form an aggregate of businesses with number one technologies and one-of-a-kind business models, while creating synergies through inter-business collaboration.

Tap innovation to create new businesses and reform existing businesses

We have established and are promoting a system for proposing new ideas for all Group employees. We aim to reflect diverse opinions in management and generate innovation in products, services and processes. We will also collaborate actively with outside companies, research institutions, and government agencies (open innovation).

Four Management Issues

Transforming into a high-profit structure
  1. 1. Improve profitability of all sectors
  2. 2. Boost the Group's overall strength
  3. 3. Capture special demand projects

We will set a minimum target for ordinary profit per capita common to all sectors and aim to improve profitability in each sector, while demonstrating the Group's overall strength by strengthening our one-stop solution function and organizational optimization. In addition, we will steadily receive and fulfill orders for special demand projects related to Expo 2025, media-related projects, and urban redevelopment projects.

Creating Future Business
  1. 1. Launch and build new businesses
  2. 2. Boost global expansion

We are positioning "noise control measures" and "virtual production" as strategic business fields, and will develop these fields while taking on the challenge of creating new products. We will also enhance e-commerce for expanding our B to C business. As for global expansion, we will establish a four-base global structure (Japan, Asia, North America, and Europe) through overseas M&A, with the goal of achieving an overseas sales ratio of 30%.

Implementing DX
  1. 1. Strengthen competitiveness through business DX
  2. 2. Improve productivity through business process DX

Under business DX, each sector will work on digital innovation to upgrade existing businesses and create new businesses. Through business process DX, we will pursue Group-wide optimization based on a grand design while improving back-office efficiency and strengthening customer relationships.

Implementing Sustainability Management
  1. 1. Implement SDG initiatives

We have established four sustainability materialities, and will promote initiatives that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. We are contributing to the development of music culture, visual culture and entertainment, and the realization of a safe and secure society through the provision of value related to sound and images. We will develop human resources who will grow with the company and contribute to a sustainable society, while creating a work environment where each and every employee can work in good health and with peace of mind. We will also contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through waste reduction, labor saving, and other efforts.

Financial Objectives

(Millions of yen)

Mid-term Business Plan "Vision 2025"
Year ended March 2022
Year ending March 2023 Year ending March 2024 Year ending March 2025 Year ending March 2026
Comparison between year ended March 2022 and final year of plan
(Plan) (Results) (Plan) (Results) (Plan) (Forecast)
Net sales 42,426 43,000 41,922 50,000 50,491 62,000 59,000 75,000 +32,573(+76.8%)
Sales and Installation Business 17,912 20,750 20,124 23,000 25,123 27,000 30,300 32,000 +14,087(+78.6%)
Architectural Acoustics Installation Business 9,669 9,100 7,963 9,700 9,267 10,500 10,700 11,500 +1,830(+18.9%)
Concert and Event Services Business 14,844 13,150 13,835 14,800 16,099 16,500 17,130 19,500 +4,655(+31.4%)
New businesses - 0 0 2,500 0 8,000 870 12,000 +12,000(-%)
Overseas sales ratio 12.3% 15.0% 15.7% 18.0% 14.6% 24.0% - 30.0% +17.7%
Operating profit 1,339 1,050 1,229 2,000 2,814 3,200 3,900 4,500 +3,160(+235.8%)
Operating profit margin 3.2% 2.4% 2.9% 4.0% 5.6% 5.2% 6.6% 6.0% +2.8%
Ordinary profit 1,921 1,200 1,400 2,000 2,951 3,200 3,750 4,500 +2,578(+134.2%)
Ordinary profit margin 4.5% 2.8% 3.3% 4.0% 5.8% 5.2% 6.4% 6.0% +1.5%
Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,074 750 607 1,200 1,627 1,900 2,100 2,700 +1,625(+151.3%)
Equity ratio 27.9% - 24.7% - 25.5% - - 30% or more, target of 40% -